Industrial and Commercial Asbestos Removal Services in Winnipeg and Manitoba
Environmental Services
Best People & Best Practices
At Paragon Industries Ltd, our trained and experienced hazardous material team is able to handle everything from small to large industrial and commercial projects. Asbestos abatement, mould remediation and lead removal are just some of the services we offer. With many years’ experience and training, our team is able to offer you the safest, most reliable way to deal with your hazardous materials. Please contact us for a free quote if you need industrial or commercial asbestos
removal services in Winnipeg.
Asbestos Abatement
The personnel working at Paragon Industries Ltd. have numerous years of quality service behind them along with extensive experience dealing with asbestos removal in Winnipeg. The following is an overview of what we can do for you in this regard:
We strive to maintain a level of quality in our efforts of asbestos removal in Winnipeg that meet every applicable regulation.
Mould Control
Nobody wants a mould infestation at their work or home.
To counteract any health hazards that can be caused by moulds, we have a comprehensive system in place to sanitize the property. Our professionals use their experience, skills and equipment to make sure they do their job the right way.
Untreated mould can affect your respiratory functions and those of your loved ones. We eliminate that possibility entirely and make sure it never re-occurs, even removing any odour. Mould removal and remediation requires professional handling, otherwise, you might do more harm than good. We offer levels 1, 2 and 3 procedures for abatement and always keep our clients in the loop about our progress.
Lead Management
Lead poisoning has been a historically alarming fact as even a minor exposure to the metal is considered unsafe. It directly affects our nervous system, causing permanent dysfunction or worse, also affecting bones and tissues. Our equipment is highly specialized and industry-grade, and with our well-defined training and processes, we form one of the most reliable lead abatement services in Winnipeg. Our specialists have all undergone lead abatement courses and are quite experienced in what they do.
PCB and Other Hazardous Material Disposal
The use of PCBs was once mainly limited to an insulating fluid in coolants and transformers; however, as it was also extremely poisonous, it has since been banned. We handle cleanups, disposal and reclamation work across Winnipeg and our very specialized insight, gained from experience and study, allow us to provide you with effective PCB abatement procedures.
We also provide material salvage and recovery services.
At Paragon Industries Ltd., we hire only the best and most experienced people for the job. Asbestos, mould, and lead removal require an expert to ensure minimal hazard to you.
Contact Us Today
For more information regarding asbestos removal services in Winnipeg, contact us today. We abide by the highest safety standards in our work.